Giulio Napoletano Fine Art

Impossible battles 2022-2021

This series of paintings, created between 2021-2022, was inspired by
the documentary “Nail in the coffin: the fall and rise of Vampiro” and
the peculiar culture of the masked Mexican wrestlers (luchadores).
A culture with deep roots and metaphorical aspects which involves the
religious feelings and passion of the southamerican people in a
perpetual battle between good and evil. The masks are a fundamental
element of these theatrical exhibitions; the man behind the mask
becomes a symbol to identify with and part of the collective
imaginary. In these paintings the figure of the luchador or luchadora
is pushed in a dark fantasy world where they are about to fight huge
monstrosities unleashed in the world by Nature or Fate. It is up to the
observer, confronted with this narrative, to find a specific meaning
and an outcome in these battles. All the fighters represented in these
paintings are actual people who lived or live, still now, in the colored
history of Lucha Libre.
The technique used for the 50×70 cm paintings is gouache on
Fabriano paper and cardboard. The paper surface is a random collage
of pieces glued to the cardboard. The amateurish craft of the supports
connects me spiritually to the religious tradition of the ex-voto
paintings; a common element between the Italian and Mexican culture.
The two 97 x 130 cm paintings are acrylics on canvas with pieces of
canvas glued on the main surface